The authenticity often lies in the stitching pattern, the brand stamp or logo and the placement of the serial numbers. Every designer has a specific standard that they adhere to without compromise. Our close examination process will quickly reveal the imposters.
You can't fake the real stuff. With over 65 years of experience, our team has encountered every type of material imaginable. In some instances only a trained eye that has literally seen several thousand examples can recognize the difference.
Our seasoned merchandisers attend training in authenticating luxury apparel, and we have strong relationships with the top design houses for items that may need additional verification. That, coupled with our vast history, creates an unmatched level of expertise in authentication.
The Importance of Authenticity
We are committed to authenticity! Not only because we love Chanel, Hermes and Louis Vuitton, but because counterfeit and pirated goods cost the world billions of dollars and millions of jobs, 750,000 in the US alone.
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